Prince Harry Fighting Apache Helicopters Ready to Fly

LONDON - British military leaders chose Prince Harry to train as an Apache combathelicopter Pilots, as a step to Improve the expectations of the son of Prince Charleswas to return to duty at the front lines in Afghanistan. Similarly, an official statement on Friday (7 / 5).
Prince Harry is expected to receive the award as a pilot from his father, next Friday (14 / 5).
"There is still a stretch of high mountain to climb if I want to graduate from training course Apache," Harry said in a statement from his office in London.
"Frankly, I think it is one of the biggest challenges in my life so far," he added.
"However, I have determined, nor was I intending to disappoint people who already believe in my ability to flight operations," said Harry.
Prince Harry in the third line in the British Empire also known as Lieutenant Harry Wales, successfully completed helicopter training base last month.
That made him eligible to choose advanced training between helicopter gunships, Apache or Lynx. Army party states, the ability of Prince Harry is perfect for Apache which is designed to seek out and destroy tanks.
Apache helicopters are often used in Afghanistan to attack the enemy on the ground while protecting the helicopter with heavy loads.
Prince Harry has never tried to hide his desire to again be at the forefront of Afghanistan.
He once refused to Iraq because the British military said it was too dangerous. Later, Prince Harry serving in Afghanistan in 2008 as one of controlling the air battle, but soon stopped, having known the media.
Having the ability for the flight was already ingrained British royal family. Prince William's brother Prince Harry learns to fly a helicopter search and rescue.
Later, Prince Charles is known as a helicopter pilot in 1974 and his uncle, Prince Andrew flew helicopters British Royal Navy in the Falklands War.

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