Prince Harry Fighting Apache Helicopters Ready to Fly

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LONDON - British military leaders chose Prince Harry to train as an Apache combathelicopter Pilots, as a step to Improve the expectations of the son of Prince Charleswas to return to duty at the front lines in Afghanistan. Similarly, an official statement on Friday (7 / 5).
Prince Harry is expected to receive the award as a pilot from his father, next Friday (14 / 5).
"There is still a stretch of high mountain to climb if I want to graduate from training course Apache," Harry said in a statement from his office in London.
"Frankly, I think it is one of the biggest challenges in my life so far," he added.
"However, I have determined, nor was I intending to disappoint people who already believe in my ability to flight operations," said Harry.
Prince Harry in the third line in the British Empire also known as Lieutenant Harry Wales, successfully completed helicopter training base last month.
That made him eligible to choose advanced training between helicopter gunships, Apache or Lynx. Army party states, the ability of Prince Harry is perfect for Apache which is designed to seek out and destroy tanks.
Apache helicopters are often used in Afghanistan to attack the enemy on the ground while protecting the helicopter with heavy loads.
Prince Harry has never tried to hide his desire to again be at the forefront of Afghanistan.
He once refused to Iraq because the British military said it was too dangerous. Later, Prince Harry serving in Afghanistan in 2008 as one of controlling the air battle, but soon stopped, having known the media.
Having the ability for the flight was already ingrained British royal family. Prince William's brother Prince Harry learns to fly a helicopter search and rescue.
Later, Prince Charles is known as a helicopter pilot in 1974 and his uncle, Prince Andrew flew helicopters British Royal Navy in the Falklands War.

Know Your Greatness Combat Helicopter AH-64 Apache

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AH-64 Apache helicopter is a helicopter WITH 4 propellers, engine prayer, and three landing gear. This helicopter Inward, Includes Helicopter Group attacker (assault) Which is operated by two people crew. Apache helicopters as the Model 77 was developed by Hughes Helicopters armed forces gives the United States replaces FOR AH-1 Cobra. First time flying ON 1 October 1975, the AH-64 has the ability to target the sensor FOR retrieve Rather cheap night vision (night vision system).
These weapons also heli ON Quite capable of 30 mm M230 Chain Gun is located between the main landing gear. AH-64 also comes WITH a mixture of AGM-114 Hellfire cheap fruit Hydra 70 rocket.
U.S. armed forces gave Bwt AH-64 from the Bell YAH-63 ON THE Year 1976. U.S. armed forces give award contracts pre Production To Hughes Helicopters FOR how to make 2 units of AH-64. IN the year 1982 the armed forces agreed to Mass production of this heli. McDonnell Douglas continued production of low-cost development after Buying Hughes Helicopters From the Summa Corporation in 1984.The first production AH-64D Apache Longbow delivered to the armed forces march ON 1997.PADA August 1997 cheap cheap karaoke FOR Boeing McDonnell Douglas to Boeing Company. NOW Production of AH-64 is followed by the Division of Boeing Integrated Defense Systems.
AH-64 power source is derived from two General Electric T700 engine propeller turboshaft.Apache has four big (Main) and 4 tail propeller IN PART. Operated by a crew heli pilot prayer Which People are cheap in front or behind the bottom is the co-pilot as well as target shooters. M230 armored helicopters WITH Cahain Gun 30 mm can be connected Helet WITH A screen mounted shooters, so the shooter can assign or lock the target shots. In addition to ITU also be controlled BY Acquisition and Determination System (TADS). In addition to ITU Helicopters can also carry wide range of weapons such as anti-tank missiles AGM-114 Hellfire, Hydra 70 rockets, AIM-92 Stinger inexpensive air to air missiles FOR Survived. Heli is designed to operate at night using a variety of inexpensive lunch with existing technology in dalamya such as GPS (Global Positioning System), night vision (night vision), etc..
BETWEEN another variant of this helicopter.
1.AH_64A2 AH-64B3.AH-64C4.AH-64D
Desain Apache AH-64


History of UseQuote:America using its Apache helicopters since Year 1989 in Panama, Bosnia, Kosovo inexpensive Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom). during the year 2003 Less Over 200 Used Apache Helicopters. TO Year 1989 Amerika using it ON Operation Just Cause in Panama. Heli holds important role there. While in the Middle East dugunakan ON Operation Iraqi desert in thunderstorms, low-cost operations in the liberation of Afghanistan.Quote:Israel is also using a helicopter. They began using it in 1990. Israeli Air Force (IAF) using the Apache FOR THE use missiles to attack targets. These helicopters are used to attack Hezbollah in Lebanon FOR THE Year of the 90s. ON a plane when the Lebanese WITH AGM-114 Cessna flew to Israel. WITH AGLOCO there met two AH-64 helicopter owned Israel. ITU ITU menmbak helicopter flight cheap cheap about them killing one pilot crew.Helicopters are also used during Al-Aqsa Intifada. Israeli Air Force using its helicopters killed Sheikh Ahmed Yasin FOR. In addition there are a LOT THAT Helicopter Apache AH-64 User Countries like Britain, Holland Japan, Singapore, UAE etc..Quote:Specifications:Quote:General Characteristics:
* Crew: 2: pilot, CPG (co-pilot/gunner)* Length: 58.17 ft (17.73 m) (with both rotors turning)* Diameter of propeller: 48 ft 0 in (14.63 m)* Height: 12.7 ft (3.87 m)* Disc area: 1,809.5 ft ² (168.11 m²)* Empty weight: 11,387 pounds (5165 kg)* Weight content: £ 17,650 (8,000 kg)* Max takeoff weight (MTOW): £ 23,000 (10 433 kg)* Strength: 2 × General Electric T700-GE-701 and then upgrade to the T700-GE-701C (1990-present) & T700-GE-701D (AH-64D block III) turboshafts, -701: 1690 shp,-701C: 1890 shp,-701D: 2,000 shp (-701: 1,260 kW,-701C: 1.490 kW,-701D: 1490 kW) each* Frame length: 49 ft 5 in (15.06 m)* System propeller: 4 blade main rotor, tail rotor blades 4 non-orthogonal alignmentQuote:Performance
* Who should not be exceeded speed: 197 knots (227 mph, 365 km / h)* Maximum speed: 158 knots (182 mph, 293 km / h)* Cruising Speed: 143 knots (165 mph, 265 km / h)* Radius combat: 260 NMI (300 miles, 480 km)* Ferry range: 1024 NMI (1180 mi, 1,900 km)* Service ceiling: 21,000 ft (6400 m)* Rate of climb: 2,500 ft / min (12.7 m / s)* Disc loading: 9.80 pounds / ft ² (47.90 kg / m²)* Power / mass: 0.18 hp / lb (310 W / kg)Quote:Armament
* Guns: 1 × 30 × 113 mm (1.18 x 4.45 in) M230 cannon, 1,200 rounds* Rockets: Hydra 70 rocket FFAR* Missiles: combination of AGM-114 Hellfire, AIM-92 Stinger, AIM-9 Sidewinder cheap

AD Terima Helikopter Tempur Iran Buatan Dalam, Negeri

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Barisan Helikopter Toofan baru. (Foto: Fars)

04 Mei 2010 - Angkatan Darat Iran menerima 10 Helikopter tempur Toofan,dirancang berdasarkan Helikopter buatan Amerika memberi Serikat Bell AH-1JCobra Laut.

Toofan bermesin kembar dipersenjatai Kanon 20 mm Gatling tipe Serta doa peluncurroket 70 mm 19 tabung.

Iran mengembangkan persenjataan Berbagai Jenis setelah di embargo oleh Amerika memberi Serikat.

SAAT Shah Reza Pahlevi berkuasa, Iran merupakan sekutu Amerika memberiUtama di Timur Tengah Serikat. Iran mendapatkan alutsista tercanggih, menjadikanAB Iran termodern di Kawasan murah terkuat Tim-Teng.

Kronologi 3 Helikopter Tempur Malaysia 'Ledek' Kapal Patroli RI

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Tiga Helikopter Tempur Malaysia dilaporkan mengadang KP HIU 001 melakukanpenjagaan SAAT Tengah di perairan Indonesia murah menangkap Kapal Asing doaYang melakukan illegal fishing.

Berikut kronologi kejadian tindakan provokasi Yang dilakukan Tiga Helikopter tempurangkatan Perang Milik Malaysia terhadap Kapal Patroli Milik Kementrian KelautanPerikanan RI murah:

RI-Australia Patroli Perikanan Bersama
Kapal Pengawas (KP) Hiu Macan 001 milikini DEPARTEMEN Kelautan murah Perikanan (DKP) sedang berpatroli di Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif Indonesia (Detik Foto)
Jumat, 7 April 2011 Pukul 10.05 WIB Kapal Patroli RI KPHIU-001 Milik Kemeterian Kelautan Perikanan murah, KP.HIU-001, Posisi 04'21 "05 U - 99'20" 50 T mendeteksi ada 2 (doa) buah Kapal ikan Asing Yang Diduga Telah melakukan DetEksi radar DENGAN Kapal di Wilayah ZEE Indonesia.
Pukul 10,35 WIB, KP.HIU-001 Posisi 04'28 "01 U - 99'20" 03 T, KP.HIU melakukan pengejaran terhadap 001 Kapal Asing ikan tersebut.
Tepat pukul 11.20 WIB KP.HIU 001 Posisi 04'40 "50 U - 99'15" T 00, 001 KP.HIU melakukan Penghentian, pemeriksaan, penahanan murah (Henrikhan) terhadap Kapal ikan Asing Yang Diketahui Bernama alat tangkap DENGAN KF.5195 pukat Tanpa bendera DENGAN nakhoda Bernama Mr Nhoi. Usia 47 Tahun, Termasuk 4 orang ABK berkebangsaan Thailand. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan, Kapal ikan tersebut Asing Tidak memiliki Dokumen Yang Sah.
Setelah ITU KP.HIU meneruskan pengejaran Kembali 001 terhadap 1 (Satu) buah Kapal ikan Asing DENGAN Kecepatan 17,5 Knot murah Haluan 230 '.
Pukul 11.50 WIB Posisi KP.HIU 001 04'35 "U 02 - 99'24" 01 T, melakukan Henrikhan lagi terhadap Kapal Ikan Asing Yang Diketahui Bernama KF.5325 DENGAN ALAT tangkap pukat Tanpa bendera DENGAN nakhoda Bernama Mr Kla. Usia 37 Tahun, Termasuk 4 orang ABK juga berkebangsaan Thailand. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan, Kapal ikan tersebut Asing Tidak memiliki Dokumen Yang Sah SIPI RI.
Pukul 14.00 WIB, KP.HIU 001 Posisi 04'26 "82 U - 99'16" 09 T, Dalam, perjalanan mengawal kedua Kapal Pelabuhan Belawan tangkapan Menuju DENGAN Kecepatan 9,3 Knot murah Haluan 230, KP HIU 001 dikejar / disergap murah provokasi oleh 3 (Tiga) buah Helikopter, yaitu 2 (doa) buah Helikopter Maritim Malaysia, 1 (Satu) buah Helikopter tempur Tentara Diraja Laut Malaysia (TLDM) DENGAN persenjataan lengkap. Ketiga Helikopter tersebut membayang-bayangi Terus menghadang KP.HIU murah murah 001 Kapal tangkapan kedua. 001 KP.HIU Tetap melanjutkan Pelayaran DENGAN Kecepatan 9,4 Knot murah Haluan 230 'Menuju Pelabuhan terdekat / Belawan.
Helikopter Malaysia berusaha menghentikan murah Terus memprovokasi agar Kapal tangkapan dilepaskan / dikembalikan ke Malaysia. Mereka juga terbang rendah mengelilingi murah / menghalau Serta manuver Senjata Berbahaya DENGAN Siap tembak di Atas KP.HIU 001. Mereka masuk perairan landas kontinen Indonesia sejauh 8 (Delapan) Nautical Mile (NM) Sebentar lagi memasuki murah Wilayah perairan Teritorial Kita.
Selama Dalam, pengadangan Helikopter Malaysia, KP.HIU 001 UNTUK berusaha menghubungi murah berkomunikasi Kepada Semua Unsur Terkait melalui radio murah TELEPON SATELIT seperti PSDKP, Bakorkamla, KRI TARIHU-829, DANSATGAS OPS gurita UNTUK meminta Bantuan Pengamanan Dari kemungkinan terjadinya insiden Yang Tidak diinginkan.
Pukul 15.00 WIB, KP.HIU 001 Posisi 04'20 "45 U - 99'10" 50 T, setelah ± 1 (Satu) jam membuntuti Tanpa hasil ketiga Helikopter Satu persatu meninggalkan tersebut KP.HIU 001 Kapal tangkapan kedua murah. Pelayaran Terus dilanjutkan hingga memasuki teritorial.
Pukul 17.30 WIB Nahkoda Moch Nursalim KP.HIU-001 mengontak Kepala Stasiun Pengawasan Sumberdaya Kelautan Perikanan Belawan murah Mukhtar, A. Pi, M. Si UNTUK mengabarkan kedatangan doa Kapal nelayan Malaysia ilegal, setalah Kepala Stasiun PSDKP ITU Belawan mengontak komandan Pangkalan Utama TNI Saya AL Belawan Bapak Amrin Husain meminta Sadar Tempat Kapal tersebut di Dermaga Lantamal Belawan saya.
Pukul 21,45 WIB KP.HIU-001 Tiba di Pelabuhan murah sandar LANTAMAL I Belawan-Medan.